Ingemar Pongratz entrepreneurial activities
Ingemar Pongratz is strongly active as an entrepreneur and is in the process of launching new products to the market. Together with partners and collaborators with key expertise in the areas of marketing and retail, corporate financing, product branding and other areas we are currently in the process of identifying key collaborators and investors.
Our objective is to introduce new products to improve consumer health and well-being. In addition, our activities include considerable environmental benefits for the users.
We aim to introduce a range of science based health promoting products that will provide considerable advantages to consumers.
Ingemar Pongratz entrepreneurial activities are performed in the context of a new enterprise named Letavis AB. Letavis is the Celtic Godess of the Earth and thus the ancient vision fits well with Letavis AB commercial activities to produce science based products to promote health and protect the environment at the same time.
Letavis AB is currently at a very intense phase and we are very occupied with the practical details associated with establishing this platform. Our expected time to market is short specially compared to the pharmaceutical sector so it is important for us to ensure that all details are in place such as going live with the Letavis web-page, finalize the legal framework for our collaborations etc etc.
Our commercial idea is tested in collaboration with the Swedish Incubator ALMI and we are benefiting from their advice and support and in particular their extensive contact network.
In time we will provide and post more information about Letavis and how our idea develops. You are of course also welcome to contact us directly if you are interested to collaborate. Please send an email to:
Ingemar.Pongratz (a)